FMP – Final Major Project

My Final Major Project will give me the chance to photographically portray something of my choice. I will have six weeks to research, decide on a topic and describe every thought process and technical input behind my idea as well as present a Project Proposal outlining exactly what I intend to do.

Initial Idea

I found choosing a topic very hard for many reasons. Whilst I have already attempted portraits, it isn’t my strongest area. I have also done things like studio, landscapes and panoramas as well as a colour project, so I feel like I need to think outside the box and do something out of my comfort zone. I started to search photography themes and there was one that grabbed my attention straight away: Standing out from the Crowd.

However, upon choosing this theme, I thought of images which showed abundance and where there was a single object, typically a different colour amongst it, as if trying to make a statement.

people and which photographs in particular showed someone emerging from the crowd. 

On top of this, I think that black and white pictures with one element in colour is also very cliché and amateur-like.


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